Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's been a while..

Sorry!  Wow have I been busy.  Work, Bonnie visiting here in Washington, Work, Church, yada-yada.  Oh and we are sooo behind on the Olympics.  We have a DVR and have been taping them and while I'm at work Arick doesn't want to watch them without me. He really is a sweet guy. :) Anyway, so we have been trying to catch up.  Anyone else a huge Phelps Phan?  hehe.  I am!  Anyway, so I will just post a mishmash of pictures.  From the fourth of July, and my birthday and some other stuff.  :) Enjoy!

The Girls minus Bonnie.

One Uncle's two dogs on the left SweetPea and Mearle. And another Uncle's dog Benji on the right.  What you all can't see is behind me, my moms dog Rufus scarfed his down and was trying to eat the other dog's food.  Oh and this is leftover egg casserole. And no the dogs don't usually eat off of glass plates.  :)

Arick and Steven.

Bradley Skim Boarding.

On my birthday we took a drive then a hike up to a place called Lions Rock. It was amazing and beautiful and wonderful.  It was a great birthday.

Mt. Stuart.

Mt. Rainier